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공지사항 목록
Date Type Title
2022-09-23 NEWS
Rznomics, 5th Anniversary

"Rznomics", established on August 29, 2017, held a commemorative event on August 29, 2022 to mark the fifth anniversary of its foundation.We gave awards to long-term employee who had worked for 5 years and had a great time wearing matching clothes and taking commemorative photo together.

2022-07-01 NEWS
Cell & Gene Therapy World Asia Conference 2022

Seong-Wook, Lee, President & CEO of Rznomics inc., will share his insight on the following subject;- Conference: Cell & Gene Therapy World Asia Conference 2022- Date:  12:00, September 14 2022- Topic : Gene Therapeutics Through Ribozyme-Mediated RNA Editing StrategyPlease refer to attac...

2022-07-01 NEWS
Cell & Gene Therapy Summit Conference 2022

Seong-Wook, Lee, President & CEO of Rznomics inc., will share his insight on the following subject;- Conference: Cell & Gene Therapy Summit Conference 2022- Date:  14:30, July 20 2022- Topic : Merging Technologies in Gene Therapy DevelopmentPlease refer to attachment for details.

2022-06-15 NEWS
Biologistics World Korea Conference 2022

Seong-Wook, Lee, President & CEO of Rznomics inc., will share his insight on the following subject;- Conference: Biologistics World Korea Conference 2022- Date:  09:30, June 29 2022- Topic : Development of Gene Therapies Based On Ribozyme-mediated RNA Editing StrategyPlease refer to attachm...

2022-06-14 NEWS
KMB Annual Meeting & International Symposium 2022

Seong-Wook, Lee, President & CEO of Rznomics inc., will share his insight on the following subject;- Conference: 49th KMB Annual Meeting & International Symposium- Date:  09:00~11:00, June 24, 2022- Session: Current Status and Future Perspectives on Gene Therapy in Korea- Topic : Gene T...

2022-05-30 NEWS
2022년도 생화학분자생물학회 국제학술대회 발표

알지노믹스(주) 이성욱 대표이사는 2022년 5월 25일 진행된 생화학분자생물학회 국제학술대회에 참여하여 아래 주제로 발표를 진행했습니다.- 일시 : 2022년 05월 25일(수) 09:00 - 09:25- 세션 : Venture Capital and Biopharmaceutical Industry(2) - Cel...

2021-11-15 NEWS
2021 한국유전자세포치료학회(KSGCT) 우수 포스터 선정(RNA replacement)

알지노믹스(주)의 연구진(이성욱 대표, 한승렬 박사, 김지현 박사)이 참여한 학술 포스터 'RNA replacement based on trans-splicing ribozyme for hepatocellular carcinoma gene therapy'가 2021 제16회 한국유전자세포치료학회에서 우수 ...

2021-11-15 NEWS
KSGCT 정기 학술대회 Education 세션 발표

알지노믹스㈜ 이성욱 대표이사는 지난 11월 4일부터 진행된 KSGCT 정기 학술대회에 연사로 참석하여 아래 주제로 발표를 진행하였습니다. - 행사명 : 16th KSGCT 정기 학술대회(KSGCT·Korean Society of Ge...

2021-11-15 NEWS
Cell & Gene Therapy World Asia 2021 Conference

Seong-Wook, Lee, President & CEO of Rznomics inc., has shared his insight on the following subject as keynote speaker and gene-therapy expert at Cell & Gene Therapy World Asia 2021 Conference.- Conference: Cell & Gene Therapy World Asia 2021- Topic: Gene Therapeutics Through Ribozyme-med...

2021-11-15 NEWS
2021 한국유전자세포치료학회(KSGCT) 우수 포스터 선정(Anti-cancer)

알지노믹스(주)의 연구진(이성욱 대표, 박혜림 박사)이 참여한 학술 포스터 'Anti-cancer effects of ribozyme-mediated RNA replacement combined with cancer immunotherapy for hepatocarcinoma cancer'가 2021 제16회 한국유전자세포치료학회에...